Hosting GNQ Events


Club are invited to show an “Expression of Interest” to host Golf North Queensland Events.

Once completed, this form is to be returned to the Secretary

This application form is for relevant Member Golf Clubs in North Queensland District, for the opportunity to host a Golf North Queensland Event in the next years(2022).  In each calendar year there are eight major GNQ events, Men’s, Womens, Junior  & Senior Open Championships and Mens Stroke & Handicap Pennant Competition & Womens Stroke & Handicap Pennant Competition. 

All applications will be evaluated based on their relevance to key selection criteria and if Sponsorship Monies have been secured by Club. 

Please contact the Secretary for Sponsorship required for each event.  Clubs will be notified in writing of the outcome of their submission.

Host Club will;

  1. be open for an inspection of their course, by GNQ officials, to establish its suitability for the event.
  2. Present the course so as all relevant areas (GUR, OOB, Hazards, and Teeing Grounds) are clearly marked or identified and ensure all greens are mown each morning.
  3. Place pins; 6 towards the front, 6 in the middle and 6 to the rear of the green. Tee markers to be set in different positions for each day’s play. Pin and tee positions are to be changed for each day’s play.
  4. provide the correct scorecards for the computer system in use or enough cards if no computer system is available.
  5. prepare a list of any local rules which do not appear on the score card and a copy is to be displayed near the Starter’s Box. A copy of these Local Rules should also be sent to GNQ Match at least two weeks prior to the event, as it may be necessary to provide a copy for each player.
  6. grant Honorary Membership to players, officials of visiting and participating teams for the period of the event.
  7. When required, have clubhouse open at 6.00am on each day of the competition and have breakfast and lunch facilities available for players.
  8. Arrange for President and/or Captain, or their representatives, to attend the presentation ceremony.
  9. Dependent on the size of the field, may use the course after the GNQ field has finished. Times are to be negotiated between Host Club and the appointed GNQ Match Committee representative.
  10. arrange the display of Sponsorship banners on the course in a prominent position to gain maximum exposure for the sponsor. Signage for the Clubhouse display will be arranged by the GNQ.
  11. Issue Golf NQ an invoice for the agreed green fees for all players in Open Championships and Pennant Competitions.
  12. Provide meals as requested and issue Golf NQ an invoice for the agreed cost.

Golf North Qld will;

  1. in consultation with the Host Club, may postpone, re-schedule, move or cancel an event in such circumstances as GNQ sees fit. e.g. bad weather or any other issue that arises.
  2. liaise with Host Club regarding running Raffles at the Open.
  3. be responsible for the prizes for Ball Pools & Pin Shots: The Host Club is required to liaise with the resident Pro on GNQ’s behalf, to ensure Pin Shots are on Par 3 Holes,
  4. be responsible for the collection of nomination monies due for entry and registration of players.
  5. Meet with club representatives prior to the event to discuss course characterises, daily set up, local rules, competition requirements, and other relevant details.
  6. Maintain responsibility of District or Queensland publicity and will distribute Press Releases to media outlets, and post information on the GNQ website/Facebook, initially some 6 weeks prior to the event, and then during the event. The Host Club is asked to maintain contact with the local press in your town to ensure maximum exposure is gained for the event. Copies of any newspaper items are to be retained for GNQ, as this forms part of the Post Event Report to the sponsor.



GNQ Womens Open                         

(Played on the THIRD weekend in JUNE each year)

  • Host Club must be able to accommodate a minimum of 100 players.
  • Accommodation accessibility for 100 players within 50 km of Club
  • Club course is to be of Championship standard
  • Host Club course is to be of Championship standard.
  • Clubs are asked to provide the name of a Club Representative for Womens Match to GNQ

GNQ Mens Open Championships    

(Played on the THIRD weekend in MAY each year)

  • Host Club must be able to accommodate between of 160-200+ players.
  • Host Club must be 18-hole course.
  • Accommodation accessibility for 160-200+ players within 50 km of Club
  • Host Club course is to be of Championship standard.
  • Clubs are asked to provide the name of a Club Representative for Mens Match to GNQ

GNQ Senior Open Championships    

(Played on Wednesday/Thursday of the THIRD or FOURTH week in SEPTEMBER each year)

  • Host Club must be able to accommodate between of 160-200+ players.
  • Host Club must be 16 or 18-hole course.
  • Accommodation accessibility for 160-200+ players within 50 km of Club
  • Host Club course is to be of Championship standard.
  • Clubs are asked to provide the name of a Club Representative for Mens Match to GNQ

GNQ Junior Open Championships    

(Played Saturday & Sunday on a weekend to be determined annually in APRIL each year)

  • Host Club must be able to accommodate up to 100 players.
  • Host Club must be 16 or 18-hole course.
  • Championship will include 3-6-9 & 18 Hole competition
  • Clubs are asked to provide the name of a Club Representative for One Match to GNQ

GNQ Womens Pennant Competition

HANDICAP- Played on Saturday & Sunday on the FOURTH weekend in JULY each year

  • 9-hole courses will host 2 Divisions (48 players)
  • 18-hole courses will host 4-5 Divisions (96-120 players)
  • Clubs are asked to provide the name of a Club Representative for Womens Match to GNQ
  • GNQ require new pin placements and tee Blocks and all OOB, GUR and Hazards clearly marked.
  • Accommodation accessibility for 120 players within 50 km of Club
  • If you have a menu for Breakfast (Saturday and Sunday) and Lunch on Saturday GNQ is happy to forward onto Clubs attending.

At the completion of Pennant can Clubs please invoice GNQ for the green fees.  If no teams withdraw it should look something like this.

9-hole Club (hosting 2 Divisions):     6 players x $17.50 x 3 rounds = $315 x 8 Clubs = $2520
18-hole Clubs (hosting 4 Divisions): 6 players x $17.50 x 3 rounds = $315 x 16 Clubs = $5040
18-hole Clubs (hosting 5 Divisions): 6 players x $17.50 x 3 rounds = $315 x 20 Clubs = $6300

GNQ Mens Pennant Competition    

STROKE – Played on Sunday & Monday on the SECOND weekend in SEPTEMBER each year
HANDICAP – Played on Saturday & Sunday on the FOURTH weekend in JULY each year

  • 9-hole courses will host 2 Divisions (64 players)
  • 18-hole courses will host 4 Divisions (128 players)
  • Clubs are asked to provide the name of a Club Representative for Mens Match to GNQ
  • GNQ require new pin placements and tee Blocks and all OOB, GUR and Hazards clearly marked.
  • At the completion of Pennant can Clubs please invoice GNQ for the green fees.  If no teams withdraw it should look something like this.

9-hole Club (hosting 2 Divisions):     8 players x $17.50 x 3 rounds = $420 x 8 Clubs = $3360

18-hole Clubs (hosting 4 Divisions): 8 players x $17.50 x 3 rounds = $420 x 16 Clubs = $6720

  • If requested, please invoice GNQ for the one Buggy hire for GNQ Representative for Saturday and Sunday?
  • If you have a menu for Breakfast (Saturday and Sunday) and Lunch on Saturday GNQ is happy to forward onto Clubs attending.



Golf North Queensland expect all clubs to host GNQ Events on a rotation basis.  Host Clubs will be notified 12 months in advance.

** Rota is currently in draft form and will be published soon


Hosting GNQ Event

This application form is for relevant Member Golf Clubs in North Queensland District, for the opportunity to host a Golf North Queensland Event in the next two years (2022-2023). In each calendar year there are eight major GNQ events, Men’s, Womens, Senior & Junior Open Championships and Handicap & Stroke Pennant Competition for both Mens & Women. GNQ are always appreciative if Clubs can help find valuable Sponsorship monies for GNQ Events

    You may choose multiple